Clenbuterol Tablets Clenbuterol Tablets Clenbuterol Tablets Clenbuterol Tablets
British Dragon

Clenbuterol Tablets

48.00 USD

MADE BY: British Dragon Pharma
AMOUNT: 100 tabs
DRUG CLASS: Beta-2 agonist, bronchodilator
ACTIVE LIFE: 48-72 hours
AVERAGE DOSE: Men 100-140 mcg/day; Women 80-100 mcg/day
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Clenbuterol 40mcg/tab

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Clenbuterol Tablets Detailed

British Dragon Clenbuterol Tablets

British Dragon Clenbuterol is an oral preparation with 40mcg of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride per tablet. Bodybuilders use it to reduce body fat. Its effects are similar to ephedrine, but stronger and longer lasting. It can raise body temperature, heart rate, and cause slight anxiety. It also increases the rate at which the body uses fat and protein, making it effective as a fat burner.

Clenbuterol British Dragon can help with breathing. It allows users to do cardio for longer periods of time. This is useful for bodybuilders who want to cut fat for a competition. Some people say that Clenbuterol tablets has anabolic properties, but this is probably because it makes them feel stronger. It is more likely that the drug is just a stimulant.

British Dragon Clenbuterol quickly acts on receptors. To avoid the body growing accustomed to the drug, it's recommended to use it for two weeks then take a two week break. While taking Clenbuterol 40mcg, bodybuilders should drink plenty of water and not exceed three tablets a day. Taking the tablets in the morning is preferred to allow effects to subside before bedtime. Those with heart problems should not use 40 mcgClenbuterol. Women can use the drug, but at lower dosages.

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ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Clenbuterol 40mcg/tab

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ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Clenbuterol 40mcg/tab

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Products are shipping without brand label for security reasons.

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